A mother and her girls tried to reach the US border. Then they got tear-gassed. - US国境に辿り着いた母親と娘たち催涙弾を浴びる







Kim Kyung-Hoon has taken countless photos in his 13 days covering a migrant caravan in Mexico. But one image in particular stands out: The photo of a Honduran mother and her 5-year-old twin girls running away from tear gas.

"This has all the elements in one picture," the Reuters photojournalist told CNN. "We can see the border, the tear gas, the children using diapers, barefoot."

The family was among more than 100 migrants near the Mexico-US border Sunday when a few men tried to dismantle a wire fence separating the two countries, Kim said.

That's when border officials unleashed tear gas, which affected bystanders like the Honduran family that Kim photographed.

The image also captured imaginations because the mother was wearing a shirt from Disney's "Frozen" -- a movie in which a sister sets off on a brave journey for a better life.

Immediately after the tear gas, the woman and girls fled to a migrant camp in Tijuana, about a 30-minute walk away.

It's not clear what will happen to the family next.


Trump attacks Paul Ryan, says he 'knows nothing' about birthright citizenship トランプ大統領、ポール・ライアンに対し「出生国民権birthright citizenship」について何も知らない、と非難


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump went after House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday, saying one of the top Republican leaders in the President's party "knows nothing about" birthright citizenship and "should be focusing on holding the Majority" in the House of Representatives "rather than giving his opinions" on the issue.
The comments come a day after Ryan threw cold water on the President's assertion that he can use executive action to end the constitutional guarantee of citizenship to anyone born in the United States.

Ryan told a Kentucky radio station Tuesday that "you cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order," following remarks from the President indicating that Trump believes he can do just that, though many legal scholars disagree.

On Wednesday, the President tweeted, "Paul Ryan should be focusing on holding the Majority rather than giving his opinions on Birthright Citizenship, something he knows nothing about! Our new Republican Majority will work on this, Closing the Immigration Loopholes and Securing our Border!"

An aide to Ryan declined to comment to CNN on the President's tweet.
Ryan, who is leaving Congress at the end of his term in January, has been helping to campaign for Republicans as the midterms approach, including both vulnerable incumbents and new candidates in competitive races. When he spoke to radio station WVLK on Tuesday, he was in Kentucky campaigning for Republican Rep. Andy Barr, who is trying to hold onto his House seat.
During the interview on Tuesday, Ryan quickly sought to emphasize common ground with the President on immigration policy, despite saying that it was not possible to end birthright citizenship via executive order.
"Where we obviously totally agree with the President is getting at the root issue here, which is unchecked illegal immigration," Ryan said. "We -- House Republicans and this President -- are in total agreement on the need to stop illegal immigration, to secure our border and fix our laws."


The midterm elections, where Republicans are at risk of losing their majority in the House, take place next Tuesday.
Republicans are viewed as more likely to retain the Senate than the House and Democratic leaders are projecting confidence that they will win the lower chamber of Congress.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi predicted on Tuesday night that Democrats will take back the House, saying during an interview with late-night host Stephen Colbert, "We will win."

This isn't the first time Trump has lashed out at Ryan.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump called Ryan a "very weak and ineffective leader" after Ryan told fellow Republicans he would no longer defend Trump after the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape surfaced in which Trump could be heard bragging about groping women.


'Unprecedented' action needed to prevent 1.5C of global warming by 2030


Florida has been devastated by Hurricane Michael. The Mayor Al Cathey told that 75% of this city has been destroyed. I clearly remember Katrina, the biggest hurricane hit Florida and Texas in 2005. The whole America united and prayed to rescue and help and recover the destroyed cities. This time, Trump did nothing. Doing other things. Twittering complaining media, midterm election campaign, lunch with Kanye West…
Is this joke??? Seriously.

It is ok whether you don’t believe Climate Change or not. However, if you are the PRESIDENT, just as a human being born in this earth, breathing oxygen of Mother Nature (if you are not an alien…), not doing golfing on the beautiful green grass destroying forests, it is your responsibility to take care of your home, nature, earth. You can just ‘TRY’ what you can do. Can you believe No recyclying of garbage in many cities in US. The sky of California looks gray sometimes due to the automobile emissions. He has to learn from the first grade of Sociology which mentors what is the human rights, humanity, and democracy...

'Unprecedented' action needed to prevent 1.5C of global warming by 2030


‘Trump economy’ vs. the ‘Obama economy’








‘Trump economy’ vs. the ‘Obama economy’

トランプ経済 vs. オバマ経済






以前の記事で述べた通り、Fact Checker では、大統領は経済を良くする(雇用を増やす)重大な責任がある、ということで自動的に2ピノキオ(それほどの嘘ではないという指標)が与えられる、ということを述べました。トランプの「歴史的な転換」主張は誇張です。

実際には歴史的に、ジョージ w. ブッシュとオバマの、そして米国連邦準備銀行の2008年と2009年に取られた、アメリカ経済に好影響を与えた軸である政策を見ていく必要があります。トランプはしかしながら、2017年はじめの段階で雇用率と経済成長の期待を超えました。これは彼の減税政策と、また彼の管理範囲を大きく超える要因、原油価格の高騰、などにあります。  


Many of the eight factors we examined tell a common story — the start of Trump’s economy follows the trend set by the last years of Obama’s economy. We’ll keep an eye out as the president’s policy changes — from tariffs to taxes — settle into the U.S. and global markets, but as of now, Trump is still working off the base Obama built.
We’ve said before that anyone who gives sole credit to a president for economic gains receives an automatic Two Pinocchios — and Trump’s claim of a historic turnaround is worthy of more. The historical books are going to view the actions taken in 2008 and 2009 by George W. Bush and Obama — and the Federal Reserve — as pivotal to saving the U.S. economy.
Trump, however, has exceeded expectations on jobs and economic growth that were in place at the start of 2017. That’s due in part because of his tax cut, but also because of factors largely beyond his control, such as the increase in oil prices. The real test will be whether the current trajectory is sustainable.


最高裁判事任命 Supreme Court Confirmation “sad day”






ワシントンでは最高裁の門前まで群衆が押しかけるほどのデモ、抗議が殺到し逮捕者も続出しました。民主党のみならずこの政権下に嫌気がさして怒っている多くのアメリカ人は、116日の中間選挙で投票しよう!!と気持ちを切り替えるよう呼び掛け合っています。しかし共和党も議員数が減ってカバナーが弾劾impeachment されぬよう投票しよう!と(トランプ息子も)呼びかけています( ・・;) 






日本の政治 and Former President Obama's speech at the University of Illinois

In US, “Politics” covers mostly ALWAYS breaking news, top stories, even most of the news screen on your laptop. Japanese young-adult is not interested in politics.... I was shocked when I saw 'yahoo Japan' has even NO politics tab on the front page... Isn’t it Democracy?? I want Japanese youngsters to come to be interested in politics more and more. I also want them to learn international politics, social studies, international news etc. and think about our country’s future more... (Because it is much harder to learn Japan’s politics even in Japan, in Japanese! …sadly it is true.) We, Japanese tend to feel embarrassed to express their own opinions in front of others. American, literally EVERYBODY mentions their opinions. Even though the opinions of those who don’t read news are sometimes very bias and sometimes claiming stupid ideologies.. However These days, Americans also tend to avoid the strong opinion in social life due to the current political situation... But it does not mean they are not interested in.
I feel even fears of this Japan’s situation. Very beautiful and peaceful country but still remains too old customs. You don't have to be perfect. I would like to attach the part of the former president Barak Obama’s Illinois speech in September as below. This time, I was impressed especially by the words ‘better’ and ‘hope’ in it. The real president HE IS!



From Former President Obama's speech at the University of Illinois

Better is good. I used to have to tell my young staff this all the time in the White House. Better is good. That's the history of progress in this country. Not perfect. Better. The Civil Rights Act didn't end racism, but it made things better. Social Security didn't eliminate all poverty for seniors, but it made things better for millions of people.
Do not let people tell you the fight's not worth it because you won't get everything that you want. The idea that, well, you know there's racism in America so I'm not going to bother voting. No point. That makes no sense. You can make it better. Better's always worth fighting for.
Change happens. Hope happens. Not perfection. Not every bit of cruelty and sadness and poverty and disease suddenly stricken from the earth. There will still be problems. But with each new candidate that surprises you with a victory that you supported, a spark of hope happens.
'Change'も'Hope'も起こります。完璧ではないかもしれない。しかし苦悩、悲しみ、貧困、病が突然我々を苦しめるということに捉われてはいけません。(これは現政権が不安をもたらしていることを暗示していると思います。) あなたたちが支持する新しい候補者が勝利することによって希望の光が差すのです。
And that can be the legacy of your generation. You can be the generation that at a critical moment stood up and reminded us just how precious this experiment in democracy really is, just how powerful it can be when we fight for it, when we believe in it. I believe in you.


Saturday Night Live サタデーナイトライブ





“Saturday Night Live” began its 44th season premiere with a cold open tackling last week’s Ford-Kavanaugh hearing -- but focused solely on the Kavanaugh portion, with a guest appearance by Matt Damon as the Supreme Court nominee.

The sketch portrayed the judge as a combative, “keg is half-full kind of guy,” and used the nominee’s preference for beer as a running gag throughout.




Matt Damon’s performance at SNL was awesome! I saw bad opinions against him too though. I just can’t understand those Americans. Kavanaugh is obviously UNFIT to the US supreme court even if the specific evidence would not be found. As one of the too many concerns, I wonder how many Americans are thinking about the high school students who have been protesting against gun control… I hope many many!!