日本の政治 and Former President Obama's speech at the University of Illinois

In US, “Politics” covers mostly ALWAYS breaking news, top stories, even most of the news screen on your laptop. Japanese young-adult is not interested in politics.... I was shocked when I saw 'yahoo Japan' has even NO politics tab on the front page... Isn’t it Democracy?? I want Japanese youngsters to come to be interested in politics more and more. I also want them to learn international politics, social studies, international news etc. and think about our country’s future more... (Because it is much harder to learn Japan’s politics even in Japan, in Japanese! …sadly it is true.) We, Japanese tend to feel embarrassed to express their own opinions in front of others. American, literally EVERYBODY mentions their opinions. Even though the opinions of those who don’t read news are sometimes very bias and sometimes claiming stupid ideologies.. However These days, Americans also tend to avoid the strong opinion in social life due to the current political situation... But it does not mean they are not interested in.
I feel even fears of this Japan’s situation. Very beautiful and peaceful country but still remains too old customs. You don't have to be perfect. I would like to attach the part of the former president Barak Obama’s Illinois speech in September as below. This time, I was impressed especially by the words ‘better’ and ‘hope’ in it. The real president HE IS!



From Former President Obama's speech at the University of Illinois

Better is good. I used to have to tell my young staff this all the time in the White House. Better is good. That's the history of progress in this country. Not perfect. Better. The Civil Rights Act didn't end racism, but it made things better. Social Security didn't eliminate all poverty for seniors, but it made things better for millions of people.
Do not let people tell you the fight's not worth it because you won't get everything that you want. The idea that, well, you know there's racism in America so I'm not going to bother voting. No point. That makes no sense. You can make it better. Better's always worth fighting for.
Change happens. Hope happens. Not perfection. Not every bit of cruelty and sadness and poverty and disease suddenly stricken from the earth. There will still be problems. But with each new candidate that surprises you with a victory that you supported, a spark of hope happens.
'Change'も'Hope'も起こります。完璧ではないかもしれない。しかし苦悩、悲しみ、貧困、病が突然我々を苦しめるということに捉われてはいけません。(これは現政権が不安をもたらしていることを暗示していると思います。) あなたたちが支持する新しい候補者が勝利することによって希望の光が差すのです。
And that can be the legacy of your generation. You can be the generation that at a critical moment stood up and reminded us just how precious this experiment in democracy really is, just how powerful it can be when we fight for it, when we believe in it. I believe in you.